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17 mai 2012

Bienvenue - Welcome

Welcome to atelier kids !


Every wednesday and/or friday, your children are welcome to my workshops : on the agenda, creativity, imagination, sharing and fun.

The little ones work hard (sometimes), laugh (a lot), might their hands and clothes, but always go back home bringing something to show their Mums & Dads.

My objective is to make the children happy, and to give them an opportunity to release their creativity, to boost their imagination, to develop their sensibility. I encourage their efforts and enjoy as much as they do these moments spent together.

My biggest pleasure : seeing them coming back ;)


Chaque vendredi j'attends vos enfants pour un atelier de création, d'imagination, de partage et de complicité.

On s'applique parfois, on rit beaucoup, on se salit de temps en temps mais on repart toujours avec quelque chose à montrer à ses parents.

Mon objectif : faire plaisir aux enfants, développer leur imagination, leur sensibilité, les encourager et leur faire apprécier ces moments passés ensemble.

Ma plus grande réussite, mon plus grand plaisir : les voir revenir ;



